

What are the benefits of choosing an automatic packaging machine?

Category:Frequently Asked Questions
Date:2018-09-06 03:05:34
(1) According to the requirements of the packaged goods, the automatic packaging machine can obtain the packaging with the same specifications according to the required shape and size, and the manual packaging cannot be guaranteed.
(2) It can realize the operation that cannot be realized by manual packaging. Some packaging operations are impossible to achieve by manual packaging, and can only be realized by automatic packaging.
(3) It can reduce labor intensity and improve labor conditions. The labor intensity of manual packaging is very high. For example, it is labor-intensive and unsafe to use manual packaging for large and heavy products. For light and small products, due to high frequency, The monotonous movements make it easy for workers to get occupational diseases.
(4) Labor protection for workers For certain products that seriously affect the health of the body, such as dusty and toxic products, irritating and radioactive products, it is inevitable to endanger the health by hand packaging, while mechanical packaging can be avoided. Can effectively protect the environment from pollution
(5) It can reduce the packaging cost and save the storage cost. For loose products, such as cotton, tobacco, silk, hemp, etc., it can be compressed and packed by compression packaging machine, which can greatly reduce the volume and reduce the packaging cost. At the same time, due to the large size reduction, saving storage space, reducing storage costs, and facilitating transportation.
(6) It can reliably ensure the hygiene of products, such as the packaging of food and medicine. According to the hygiene law, it is not allowed to use manual packaging, because it will pollute the products, and the automatic packaging avoids direct contact with food and medicine, ensuring the quality of hygiene. Therefore, the automatic packaging is suitable for various plastic composite films or plastic aluminum foil composite films, such as polyester/polyethylene, polyester/polypropylene, etc., which should have certain airtightness, pressure resistance and mechanical adaptability.
